代码 | 位置 | 代码分类 | 代码意义描述 |
SORT | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 滚针和保持架组件的滚针的公差等级;随后的数字表示了实际μm级限制,例如,/SORT-2-4 |
H | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Needle roller bearing without inner ring with reduced inside diameter (under rollers) tolerance; followed by tolerance limits in µ m, e.g. /H+20+27 滚针轴承无内圈,减少直径公差;随后数量表示公差极限(μm),例如:/ H+20+27 |
ZW | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Double row needle roller and cage assembly 双列滚针和保持架组件 |
AS | 后缀 | 润滑特征 | Needle roller bearing with lubrication hole(s) in outer ring. A figure following the AS indicates the number of holes 滚针轴承外圈润滑孔数。“AS”后跟的数字表示孔数 |
ASR | 后缀 | 润滑特征 | Needle roller bearing with annular groove and lubrication hole(s) in outer ring. A figure following the ASR indicates the number of holes 滚针轴承带环形油槽和润滑孔。“ASR”后的数字表示润滑孔的数量 |
IS | 后缀 | 润滑特征 | Needle roller bearing with lubricating hole(s) in inner ring; a figure following IS identifies the number of holes 滚针轴承内圈润滑孔(S);IS后跟的数字表示孔的数量 |
ISR | 后缀 | 润滑特征 | Needle roller bearing with annular groove and lubricating hole(s) in inner ring; a figure following ISR identifies the number of holes 滚针轴承内圈带环形油槽和润滑孔;ISR后跟的数量标识润滑孔数 |