代码 | 位置 | 代码分类 | 代码意义描述 |
F | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 机削钢或特殊铸铁保持架,滚动体引导,在F后面可能有一个数字,表示不同的设计或材料级别,如F1 |
FA | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 机削钢或特殊铸铁保持架,外圈引导 |
FB | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 机削钢或特殊铸铁保持架,内圈引导 |
H | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 淬硬的卡型冲压钢保持架 |
J | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 冲压钢保持架,滚动体引导,不经过硬化,随后或有数字表示不同的设计,如J1 |
JHA | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | Pressed steel cage, hardened, outer ring centred 钢板冲压保持架,硬化,外圈引导 |
JW | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | Pressed steel cage, unhardened, welded 钢板冲压保持架,未硬化,焊接 |
L | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 由一个数字来识别机削轻合金金保持架、不同设计或材料,例如,L1 |
LA | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 机削轻合金金保持架、以外圈引导 |
LB | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 机削轻合金金保持架、以内圈引导 |
LP | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 轻合金窗式保持架、带穿孔槽或钻孔槽,以内圈或外圈引导 |
LPS | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 和LP相同,但是在引导表面有润滑槽 |
M | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 由一个数字或一个字母来识别机削黄铜保持架、以滚动体定心、不同设计或材料,例如,M2、MC |
MAS | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 和MA相同,但是引导表面带有润滑槽 |
MB | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 机削黄铜保持架、以内圈引导 |
MBS | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 和MB相同,但是引导表面带有润滑槽 |
MP | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 一体式窗式黄铜保持架,开口经铣、铰或钻加工成形,内圈或外圈引导 |
MPS | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 和MP相同,但是引导表面带有润滑槽 |
MR | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 一体式窗式黄铜保持架,滚动体引导 |
T | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 机削纤维增强酚醛树脂保持架,滚动体引导 |
TA | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | Window-type cage of fabric reinforced phenolic resin, outer ring centred 窗式纤维增强酚醛树脂保持架,外圈引导 |
TB | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 窗式纤维增强酚醛树脂保持架,内圈引导 |
Y | 后缀 | 保持架及材料 | 冲压黄铜保持架,滚动体引导,随后或有数字表示不同的设计,如Y1 |
HC | 后缀 | 材质、材料记号 | 陶瓷材料的轴承或轴承部件,HC随后的数字表示具体的部分,数字代表的部分与HA的相同 0 整套轴承 1 内圈和外圈 2 外圈 3 内圈 4 内圈、外圈和滚动体 5 滚动体 6 外圈和滚动体 7 内圈和滚动体 |
AR- | 前缀 | 产品类型(系列) | Ball or roller and cage assembly 滚珠或滚柱和保持架组件 |
E2. | 前缀 | 产品类型(系列) | SKF Energy Efficient bearings SKF节能轴承 |
K | 前缀 | 产品类型(系列) | 圆柱滚子-保持架推力组件。例:K81170。 |
K- | 前缀 | 产品类型(系列) | 符合ABMA标准系列英制圆锥滚子轴承带滚子和保持架组件的内圈(Cone)或外圈(Cup)。例:K-09067系列为09000的圆锥滚子轴承的内锥体。 |
L | 前缀 | 产品类型(系列) | 分离型轴承的单一内圈或外圈。例:LNU207圆柱滚子轴承NU207的内圈。L30207:圆锥滚子轴承30207的外圈。 |
OR- | 前缀 | 产品类型(系列) | Outer ring of radial bearing 径向轴承的外圈 |
R | 前缀 | 产品类型(系列) | 除去单一内圈或外圈的分离型轴承。例:RNU207圆柱滚子轴承NU207带滚子和保持架组合件的外圈。R30207圆锥滚子轴承和保持架组件的内圈。 |
GA | 后缀 | 单个轴承实施和预压 | 通用配组轴承,在背对背或面对面的配置时带轻预紧 |
S0 | 后缀 | 高温适应性 | 特殊热处理,轴承套圈在+150℃以下保持尺寸稳定 |
S3 | 后缀 | 高温适应性 | 特殊热处理,轴承套圈在+300℃以下保持尺寸稳定 |
S4 | 后缀 | 高温适应性 | 特殊热处理,轴承套圈在+350℃以下保持尺寸稳定 |
/SORT.. | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | Tolerance grade of needle rollers of a needle roller and cage assembly, the numbers following identify the actual limits in μm, e.g. /SORT-2-4 |
C01 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | Reduced running accuracy tolerance range for inner ring 降低了内圈运转精度公差范围 |
C02 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 缩窄的内圈旋转精度公差 |
C023 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | C02 + C3 |
C03 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | Reduced running accuracy tolerance range for outer ring 降低了外圈运转精度公差范围 |
C04 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 缩窄的外圈旋转精度公差 |
C05 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | C01 + C03 |
C06 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | C02 + C03 |
C07 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | C01 + C04 |
CL3 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 英制圆锥滚子轴承,公差符合ANSI-ABMA标准19.2:1994公差等级3的标准 |
CLO | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 精度符合ANSI/ABMA 19.2:1994标准公差等级0,用于英制圆锥滚子轴承 |
P43 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | P4 + C3 |
P4A | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 尺寸精度符合ISO公差等级4级标准,运行精度符合ABMA公差等级ABEC 9标准 (比P4好) |
PA9 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 尺寸精度和运行精度符合ABMA公差等级ABEC 9标准(比P4好) |
PA9A | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 和PA9相同 |
PA9B | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 和PA9相同,但是运行精度要高于ABMA公差等级ABEC 9 |
VQ424 | 后缀 | 公差(精度) | 旋转精度高于C08 |
.2ZL | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | Lamellar seal on both sides |
2CS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | CS contact seal on both sides of the bearing |
2CS2 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | CS2 contact seal on both sides of the bearing |
2CS5 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | CS5 contact seal on both sides of the bearing |
2LS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | LS contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RF | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RF contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承两侧带具(或无)钢骨架的丁腈橡胶(NBR)接触式密封 |
2RS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RS contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RS1 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RS1 contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RS2 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承两侧带具钢骨架的氟橡胶(FPM)接触式密封 |
2RS2 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RS2 contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RS5 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RS5 contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RSH | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RSH contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RSL | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RSL low-friction contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2RZ | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | RZ low-friction non-contact seal, on both sides of the bearing |
2Z | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | Shield on both sides of the bearing |
2ZS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | Shield on both sides, held in place by a retaining ring |
CS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承一侧带具钢骨架的丁睛橡胶(NBR)接触式密封圈 |
CS2 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承一侧带具钢骨架的氟橡胶(FPM)接触密封圈 |
LS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承一侧带(或不带)钢板的丁睛橡胶(NBR)或聚亚安醋(AU) LS接触式密封件。 |
PP | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承(支承滚轮轴承,凸轮随动轴承)两面具有接触式密封。 |
RS | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承一侧带具(或无)钢骨架的丁睛橡胶(NBR)接触式密封 |
RS1Z | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承一侧带具钢骨架的丁睛橡胶(NBR)接触式密封,另一侧带冲压钢防尘盖 |
RS2 | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 轴承一侧带具钢骨架的氟橡胶(FPM)接触式密封 |
Z | 后缀 | 密封和防尘 | 1. Combined needle roller bearings with cover 带盖的组合滚针轴承 2. Shield of pressed sheet steel on one side of the bearing 轴承一个侧面带冲压钢板防尘盖 |
A | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 经过改进或稍作改变的内部设计。外形尺寸相同。通常对于不同类型或系列的轴承有不同的意义。例如: 4210 A:不带装球缺口的双列深沟球轴承 3220 A: 不带装球缺口的双列角接触球轴承 |
B | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 经过改进或稍作改变的内部设计,外形尺寸相同,通常对不同类型或系列的轴承有不同的意义。例如: 7224 B:接触角为40°的单列角接触球轴承 32210 B:接触角较大的圆锥滚子轴承 |
B4 | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 轴承套圈表面及滚子表面均经处理(满装滚子轴承)。 |
C | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 经过改进或稍作改变的内部设计。外形尺寸相同。通常对不同类型或系列的轴承有不同的意义。例如: 21306 C:球面滚子轴承,带两个窗式冲压钢保持架、内圈无档边和带一个由内圈引导的导圈 |
CAC | 后缀 | 内部设计 | CA型球面滚子轴承,滚子的引导经过改进,加强滚子导向性能 |
D | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 1.偏差或修改的内部设计与外形尺寸;作为特定意义被绑定到特定的轴承系列,例如: 3310 D 双列角接触球轴承的两件式内圈 K40×45×17 D 拆分滚针和保持架组件(径向) 2.根据ABMA标准(通常英制),有两个滚子和保持架组件(双内圈)或外圈有两个滚道的双列圆锥滚子轴承(双外圈) |
E | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 经过改进或稍作改变的内部设计,外形尺寸相同。通常对不同类型或系列的轴承有不同的意义。例如:7212 BE:优化的内部设计和接触角为40°的单列角接触球轴承 |
ECA | 后缀 | 内部设计 | CA型球面滚子轴承,带增强的滚子组 |
ECAC | 后缀 | 内部设计 | CAC型球面滚子轴承,带增强的滚子组 |
HA | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 表面硬化的的轴承或轴承部件,HA随后的数字表示具体的部分 0 整套轴承 1 内圈和外圈 2 外圈 3 内圈 4 内圈、外圈和滚动体 5 滚动体 6 外圈和滚动体 7 内圈和滚动体 |
HB | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 贝氏体硬化的轴承或轴承部件,HB随后的数字表示具体的部分,数字代表的部分与HA的相同 0 整套轴承 1 内圈和外圈 2 外圈 3 内圈 4 内圈、外圈和滚动体 5 滚动体 6 外圈和滚动体 7 内圈和滚动体 |
HE | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 真空再熔钢制的轴承或轴承部件,HE随后的数字表示具体的部分,数字代表的部分与HA的相同 0 整套轴承 1 内圈和外圈 2 外圈 3 内圈 4 内圈、外圈和滚动体 5 滚动体 6 外圈和滚动体 7 内圈和滚动体 |
HM | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 马氏体硬化的轴承或轴承部件,HM随后的数字表示具体的部分,数字代表的部分与HA的相同 0 整套轴承 1 内圈和外圈 2 外圈 3 内圈 4 内圈、外圈和滚动体 5 滚动体 6 外圈和滚动体 7 内圈和滚动体 |
HN | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 经特殊表面处理的轴承或轴承部件,HN随后的数字表示具体的部分,数字代表的部分与HA相同 0 整套轴承 1 内圈和外圈 2 外圈 3 内圈 4 内圈、外圈和滚动体 5 滚动体 6 外圈和滚动体 7 内圈和滚动体 |
HV | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 可淬火的不锈钢轴承或轴承部件,HV随后的数字表示具体的部分,数字代表的部分与HA相同 |
K | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 圆锥孔,锥度1:12 |
L4B | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 特殊表面涂层的轴承套圈和滚动体 |
NR | 后缀 | 内部设计 | Snap ring groove in the outer ring, with appropriate snap ring |
R | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 1.外圈带凸缘 2.弧形滚轮表面(滚轮轴承) |
U | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 在U后面加1个数字表示缩窄宽度的公差带,用于圆锥滚子轴承,或其内圈或外圈,例如: U2:宽度公差+0,05/0 mm U4:宽度公差+0,10/0 mm |
V… | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 在V后面加上一个字母是用来表示一种与标准轴承有差别的特性,在V后面再加上一个三位或四位数表示其具体的意义。例如: VA 表示某种特定的应用 VB 外形尺寸的差异 VE 外部或内部的差异 VL 涂层 VQ 不同于标准的质量和公差 VS 游隙和预紧 V 下润滑 VU 各种其它特性 |
VE552 | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 外圈一侧带三个平均分布的螺纹孔以连接起重装置 |
VE553 | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 外圈两侧带三个平均分布的螺纹孔以连接起重装置 |
X | 后缀 | 内部设计 | 1.外形尺寸根据ISO标准修改 2.圆柱形滚轮表面(滚轮轴承) |
2F | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), additional plain flinger, on both sides |
A | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions. As a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing or bearing series. Examples: 4210 A Double row deep groove ball bearing without filling slots 3320 A |
ADA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Wide snap ring grooves in the outer ring; a two-piece inner ring held together by a retaining ring |
ADB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Wide snap ring grooves in the outer ring; a two-piece inner ring held together by a retaining ring; modified internal design |
AH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for air-handling applications |
AR- | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Ball or roller and cage assembly |
ASR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Needle roller bearing with annular groove and lubrication hole(s) in the outer ring, the number following indicates the number of holes |
Axx(x) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | A combined with a two or three-figure number identifies variants of the standard design, which cannot be identified by generally applicable suffixes A与一个两位数或三位数组合,表示不能由一般适用后缀来识别的标准设计的变体 |
B | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions. As a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing series. Examples: 7210 B Single row angular contact ball bearing with a 40?contact angle 32210 B |
BE | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing with a 40° contact angle and optimized internal design |
BEJ | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing with a 40° contact angle and optimized internal design, with ball centred stamped steel cage |
BEM | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing with a 40° contact angle and optimized internal design, with machined steel cage |
BEP | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing with a 40° contact angle and optimized internal design, with cage of glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66 |
BEY | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing with a 40° contact angle and optimized internal design, with ball centred pressed brass cage |
BF | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Needle roller with flat ends |
BMB | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Motor encoder unit BMB series |
BMD | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Motor encoder unit BMD series |
BMO | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Motor encoder unit BMO series |
BS2- | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing, designated by a drawing number |
Bxx(x) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | B与一个两位数或三位数组合,用来表示一些没有合适后缀的变型。 例如:B20 缩窄的宽度公差 |
C | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions. As a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing series 2, Y-bearing with cylindrical outside diameter, e.g. YET 205 C |
C08 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Geometrical tolerances to P5 tolerance class |
C083 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | C08 + C3 |
C084 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | C08 + C4 |
C1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Internal clearance smaller than C2 |
C2 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Internal clearance smaller than Normal |
C2H | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Axial internal clearance in the upper half of the C2 range |
C2L | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Axial internal clearance in the lower half of the C2 range |
C3 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Internal clearance greater than Normal |
C3P | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Displaced clearance range comprising the upper half of the C3 plus the lower half of the C4 clearance range |
C4 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Internal clearance greater than C3 |
C5 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Internal clearance greater than C4 |
CA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Spherical roller bearing of C design, but with retaining flanges on the inner ring, guide ring centred on the inner ring and machined brass cage 2, Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have axial internal c |
CAC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Spherical roller bearing of CA design, but with retaining flanges on the inner ring, guide ring centred on the inner ring and machined brass cage |
CB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have Normal axial internal clearance. 2, Double row bearing with controlled axial clearance 3, Single row angular contact ball bearing, high-speed B design, 15?contact |
CC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have axial internal clearance greater than Normal (CB) |
CC(J) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing with flangeless inner ring, guide ring centred on the inner ring, two stamped steel cages |
CCJA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing with flangeless inner ring, guide ring centred on the outer ring raceway, two stamped steel cages |
CD | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing, high-capacity design, 15?contact angle |
CE | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing, high-speed E design, 15?contact angle |
CJ | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing with flangeless inner ring, guide ring centred on the inner ring, two stamped steel cages |
CL0 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Accuracy to ABMA tolerance class 0 (inch bearings) |
CL00 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Accuracy to ABMA tolerance class 00 (inch bearings) |
CL3 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Accuracy to ABMA tolerance class 3 (inch bearings) |
CL7A | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Pinion bearing, superseded by CL7C |
CL7C | 后缀 | 其他特性 | High-performance design |
CLN | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Tighter tolerances for ring widths and total (abutment) width in accordance with ISO tolerance class 6X |
CN | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Normal internal clearance; only used together with an additional letter that identifies a reduced or displaced clearance range Examples: CNH Reduced clearance range corresponding to the upper half of the actual clearance range CNL Reduced clear |
CS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) on one side of the bearing |
CS2 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal of fluoro rubber (FKM) on one side of the bearing |
CS5 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal of hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (HNBR) on one side of the bearing |
CV | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Modified internal design, full complement roller set |
Cxx(x) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Special clearance, the two- or three-digit number immediately following the C is the mean axial internal clearance in μm |
D | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions; as a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing series Examples: 3310 D Double row angular contact ball bearing with a two-piece inner ring |
D/W | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Stainless steel, inch dimensions |
DA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Modified snap ring grooves in the outer ring; two-piece inner ring held together by a retaining ring |
DB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Two bearings matched for mounting back-to-back. A number immediately following the DB identifies the design of the ring spacers. <> |
DF | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Two bearings matched for mounting face-to-face. A number immediately following the DF identifies the design of the ring spacer. >< |
DG | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of two bearings for universal matching |
DH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single direction thrust bearing with two housing washers 单向推力轴承两个轴承座圈 |
DR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Two bearings matched to one set |
DS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1. Single direction thrust bearing with two shaft washers 单向推力轴承具有两轴圈 2. Split radial needle roller and cage assembly 分体式向心滚针和保持架组件 |
DS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Single direction thrust bearing with two shaft washers 1, Split radial needle roller and cage assembly |
DT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Two bearings matched for mounting in tandem. A number immediately following the DT identifies the design of the ring spacers. << |
E | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions; as a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing series; usually indicates reinforced rolling element complement 2, Adapter sleeve without key slot, with a |
E2. | 前缀 | 其他特性 | SKF Energy Efficient bearings |
EC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Optimized internal design incorporating more and/or larger rollers and with modified roller end/flange contact |
ECA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | CA design spherical roller bearing with reinforced roller set |
ECAC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | CAC design spherical roller bearing with reinforced roller set |
EGS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring with a non-directionally ground raceway |
EH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Adapter sleeve without key slot, with a KMFE .. H lock nut |
EJA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Flangeless inner ring, guide ring centred on the outer ring raceway, two stamped steel cages |
EL | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Adapter sleeve without key slot, with a KMFE .. L lock nut |
Exx(x) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | E combined with a two or three-figure number identifies variants of the standard design which cannot be identified by generally applicable suffixes E结合两个或三个位数字号码标识不能用一般适用后缀来识别的标准设计的变体 |
F | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined steel or special cast iron cage, rolling element centred |
F1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Grease fill 10–15% of the free space in the bearing |
F3 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined cage of spheroidal cast iron, shaft washer centred 球墨铸铁机加工保持架,轴圈引导 |
FA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined steel or special cast iron cage, outer ring centred |
FB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Machined steel or special cast iron cage, inner ring centred 2, Single row angular contact ball bearing, high-speed B design, 18?contact angle |
FE | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single row angular contact ball bearing, high-speed E design, 18?contact angle |
G | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have axial internal clearance 2, Thread diameter changed according to revised ISO standard 3, Lubrication groove in the outside surface, located at the side opposite the |
G.. | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Grease filling. A second letter indicates the temperature range of the grease and a third letter identifies the actual grease. The significance of the second letter is as follows: E Extreme pressure grease F Food compatible grease H, J High temperature gr |
GA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have extra light or light preload |
GB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have light or moderate preload |
GC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have moderate or heavy preload |
GD | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for universal matching. Two bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face have heavy preload |
GEM9 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Filled to 70–100% with SKF LGHB 2 grease |
GMM | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Open single direction bearing filled with standard grease |
GR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Lubrication groove in the outside surface, located at the side of the locking device |
GS | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Housing washer |
GWF | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Grease with a diurea thickener of consistency 2 to 3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range -40 to +160 癈 (normal fill grade) |
H | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Bearing without an inner ring and reduced inside diameter (under rollers) tolerance, the numbers following indicate the tolerance limits in 祄, e.g. H+27+20 2, One oil supply duct at the threaded end 3, KMFE lock nut with a bigger contact diameter 4, T |
H1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Two lubrication holes on the thrust side of the outer ring |
HA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Case-hardened bearing or bearing components. For closer identification HA is followed by one of the following figures: 0 Complete bearing 1 Outer and inner rings 2 Outer ring 3 Inner ring 4 Outer ring, inner ring and rolling elements 5 Rolling elements 6 |
HB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Bainite-hardened bearing or bearing component. For closer identification HB is followed by one of the figures explained under HA 2, One or two oil supply ducts at the threaded end |
HC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing or bearing components made of silicon nitride. For closer identification HC is followed by one of the figures explained under HA |
HE | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing or bearing component of vacuum remelted steel. For closer identification HE is followed by one of the figures explained under HA |
HM | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Martensite-hardened bearing or bearing component. For closer identification HM is followed by one of the figures explained under HA |
HN | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Special surface heat treated bearing or bearing component. For closer identification HN is followed by one of the figures explained under HA |
HR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Polymer ball bearing |
HV | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing components of stainless steel, seals and flingers with food-compatible rubber, food-grade grease |
ICOS- | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Oil sealed bearing unit |
IR- | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring of radial bearing |
IS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring with lubrication hole(s), the number following indicates the number of holes |
ISR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring with annular groove and lubrication hole(s), the number following indicates the number of holes |
J | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Sheet steel cage, rolling element centred, the number following indicates a different cage design |
JA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Sheet steel cage, outer ring centred |
JB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Sheet steel cage, inner ring centred |
JHA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Sheet steel cage, hardened, outer ring centred |
JR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Sheet steel cage, unhardened, riveted together |
JW | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Sheet steel cage, unhardened, welded |
K | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Cylindrical roller and cage thrust assembly |
K | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Tapered bore, taper 1:12 2, Cylindrical roller and cage thrust assembly 3, Polymer ball bearings with components made of Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) |
K- | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring with roller and cage assembly (cone) or outer ring (cup) of inch tapered roller bearing belonging to an ABMA standard series |
K30 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Tapered bore, taper 1:30 |
L | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Separate inner or outer ring of a separable bearing |
L | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Machined light alloy cage, different designs or materials are identified by a figure, e.g. L1 2, Adapter sleeve with a lock nut with lower sectional height 3, KMFE lock nut with a smaller contact diameter 4, Polymer ball bearing with components made of |
L1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Annular groove with two lubrication holes on the thrust side of the outer ring and two annular grooves fitted with O-rings in the outer ring |
L4B | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing rings and rollers black oxidized |
L5B | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Rollers black oxidized |
L5DA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | No Wear bearings with coated rolling element |
L7B | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring and rollers black oxidized |
L7DA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | NoWear bearings with coated rolling elements and inner ring raceway(s) |
LA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined light alloy cage, outer ring centred |
LB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined light alloy cage, inner ring centred |
LHT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Grease with a lithium thickener of consistency 2 to 3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –50 to +140 °C |
LO | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 轴承不带防锈剂,但是有低粘度油涂层;实际使用的油通过LO后的数字来识别,例如,LO10 |
LO | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing without preservative, but coated with low viscosity oil; the actual oil is identified by figures following the LO, e.g. LO10 |
LP | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Light alloy window-type cage, with punched or reamed pockets, inner or outer ring centred |
LPS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | As LP but with lubrication grooves in the guiding surfaces |
LS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of polyurethane (PUR) with or without sheet steel reinforcement, on one side of the bearing |
M | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Machined brass cage, rolling element centred; different designs or material grades are identified by a figure or a letter, e.g. M2, MC 2, Polymer ball bearing with components made of polyimide (PI) |
M../M.. | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Diameter tolerance of needle rollers, e.g. M2/M4 indicates diameter tolerance –2 to –4 µm |
MA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, outer ring centred |
MAS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, outer ring centred, the S indicates a lubrication groove in the guiding surface |
MB, MB1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, inner ring centred |
MBS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, inner ring centred, the S indicates a lubrication groove in the guiding surface |
MH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, window-type, inner ring centred |
ML | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, window-type, inner or outer ring centred, depending on bearing design |
MO | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 轴承不带防锈剂,但是有低粘度油涂层;实际使用的油通过MO后的数字来识别,例如,MO10 |
MO | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing without preservative, but coated with medium viscosity oil; the actual oil is identified by figures following the MO, e.g. MO10 |
MP | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, window-type, inner or outer ring centred, depending on bearing size |
MPS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | As MP but with lubrication grooves in the guiding surfaces |
MR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Machined brass cage, window-type, roller centred |
N | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Snap ring groove in the outer ring |
N/M.. | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Diameter tolerance of needle rollers, e.g. N/M2 indicates diameter tolerance 0 to –2 µm |
N1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | One locating slot (notch) in one outer ring side face or housing washer |
N2 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Two locating slots (notches) 180?apart in one outer ring side face or housing washer |
OR- | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Outer ring of radial bearing |
P | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66 cage, rolling element centred 2, Precision lock nuts made of sintered steel (For KMD 11 and KMD 12 lock nuts only) |
P2 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional and geometrical tolerances in accordance with P2 tolerance class |
P4 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional and geometrical tolerances in accordance with P4 tolerance class |
P43 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | P4 + C3 |
P4A | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional tolerance in accordance with ISO tolerance class 4, geometrical tolerance lower than ISO tolerance class 4 |
P4C | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional tolerances approximately to ISO tolerance class 4, geometrical tolerances lower than ISO tolerance class 4 for radial bearings |
P5 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional and geometrical tolerances in accordance with P5 tolerance class |
P52 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | P5 + C2 |
P6 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional and geometrical tolerances in accordance with P6 tolerance class |
P62 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | P6 + C2 |
P63 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | P6 + C3 |
P64 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | P6 + C4 |
P6CNR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | P6 + CNR |
PA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66 cage, outer ring centred |
PA9A | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional and geometrical tolerances in accordance with ISO tolerance class 2 |
PBC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of five bearings arranged tandem back-to-back <<>>> |
PBT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of five bearings arranged back-to-back and tandem <>>>> |
PE | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Enlarged diameter tolerance and axial run-out to P5 tolerance class for radial bearing |
PEX | 后缀 | 其他特性 | SKF Explorer bearing, used only when same-sized conventional and SKF Explorer bearings are available |
PFC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of five bearings arranged tandem face-to-face >><<< |
PFT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of five bearings arranged face-to-face and tandem ><<<< |
PG | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of five bearings for universal matching |
PH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage, rolling element centred |
PHA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Glass fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage, outer ring centred 2, Carbon fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage, outer ring centred (SuP) |
PHAS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage, outer ring centred, lubrication grooves in the guiding surface |
PPA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 滚轮轴承两侧均有聚酰胺66轴向滑动套圈而且滚轮表面外形有所改进 |
PPA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Track runner bearing with a PA66 axial sliding and sealing ring on both sides. Improved crowned profile of the outer ring running surface |
PPSKA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | KR design cam follower, sizes 16 and 19, with a PA66 axial sliding and sealing ring on both sides, improved crowned profile of the outer ring running surface and a hexagonal recess in the head of the stud, no relubrication features |
PPXA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Cam followers with PPA features except for the outer ring running surface, which has a cylindrical profile |
Q | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Optimized contact geometry and surface finish 2, Polymer ball bearing with components made of glass |
Q66 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 振动水准小于普通级标准,振动峰值小于普通级标准。 |
QBC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of four bearings arranged tandem back-to-back <<>> |
QBT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of four bearings arranged back-to-back and tandem <>>> |
QCL7C | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing with very tight geometrical tolerances and high preload capability |
QE5 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 符合电机用特别标准,尺寸及旋转精度达P6.极低噪音。 |
QE6 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 符合电机用标准,低噪音。 |
QFC | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of four bearings arranged tandem face-to-face >><< |
QFT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of four bearings arranged face-to-face and tandem ><<< |
QR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of four single row deep groove ball or cylindrical roller bearing matched for equal distribution of radial load |
QT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of four bearings arranged in tandem <<<< |
R | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1. 整体式外部外圈法兰 2. 弧形滚轮表面(滚轮轴承) |
R | 前缀 | 其他特性 | 1,Inner or outer ring with roller (and cage) assembly of a separable bearing 2,Support roller without an inner ring 3,Bearing without an inner ring |
R | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Flanged outer ring 2, Polymer ball bearing with components made of borosilicate glass |
RF | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), additional rubberized flinger, on one sde of the bearing |
RS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NRB), on one side of the bearing |
RS1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NRB), on one side of the bearing |
RS1Z | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Sheet steel reinforced contact seal of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) on one side and one shield on the other side of the bearing |
RS2 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of fluoro rubber (FKM), on one side of the bearing |
RS5 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (HNBR), on one or both sides of the bearing |
RSH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), on one side of the bearing |
RSL | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Low-friction contact seal made of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), on one side of the bearing |
RZ | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Low-friction non-contact seal made of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), on one side of the bearing |
S | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Sealed bearing |
S | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Matched bearings for an equal load distribution. The number preceding indicates the number of bearings, e.g. NK 50/25 TN/2S 2, Polymer ball bearing with components made of Stainless steel 1.4034 |
S0 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing heat stabilized for operating temperatures ≤ 150 °C (300 °F) |
S1 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing heat stabilized for operating temperatures ≤ 200 °C (390 °F) |
S2 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing heat stabilized for operating temperatures ≤ 250 °C (480 °F) |
S3 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing heat stabilized for operating temperatures ≤ 300 °C (570 °F) |
SB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | SKF ConCentra ball bearing with shortened inner ring |
SM.. | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Special grease, two numbers following identify the grease |
SP | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Dimensional tolerances in accordance with ISO tolerance class 5, geometrical tolerances in accordance with ISO tolerance class 4 |
T | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, A number immediately following the T identifies the total width of matched bearings, arranged back-to-back or in tandem 2, Polymer ball bearing with components made of stainless steel 1.4401 3, Trapezoidal thread |
TA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Window-type cage of fabric reinforced phenolic resin, outer ring centred |
TB | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Window-type cage of fabric reinforced phenolic resin, inner ring centred |
TBT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of three bearings, two bearings arranged back-to-back and the third in tandem <>> |
TFT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of three bearings, two bearings arranged face-to-face and the third in tandem ><< |
TH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Snap-type cage of fabric reinforced phenolic resin, rolling element centred |
TL | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Adapter sleeve with a lock nut with lower sectional height, but with key slot positions for a locking clip |
TN | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66 cage, rolling element centred; for SABB the cage is not glass fibre reinforced |
TN9 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66 cage, rolling element centred; for CARB bearings the cage is made of PA46 |
TNH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage, rolling element centred |
TNHA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage, outer ring centred |
TR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Three single row deep groove ball or cylindrical roller bearings, matched to give equal distribution of radial load 三个单列深沟球或圆柱滚子轴承,径向负荷平均分配 |
TR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Three bearings matched to one set |
TT | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Set of three bearings arranged in tandem <<< |
U | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, U combined with a one- or two-digit number identifies tighter total width tolerance, Examples: U2… +0,05/0 mm U4… +0,10/0 mm 2, Y-bearing without locking device 3, /U Sales area worldwide |
V | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing with NitroMax steel rings and bearing grade silicon nitride Si3N4 balls (hybrid bearing) |
V | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Full complement bearing (without cage) |
V… | 后缀 | 其他特性 | V combined with a second letter, identifies a variant group, and followed by a three- or four-figure number denotes variants not covered by “standard” designation suffixes. Examples: VA Application oriented variants VB Boundary dimension deviations VE Ext |
V001 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | CL7C and /2 |
VA201 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for extreme temperatures with a stamped steel cage, lubricated with a polyalkylene glycol/graphite mixture |
VA208 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for extreme temperatures with a segmented cage made of graphite |
VA210 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Graphite-based lubricant |
VA2101 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Graphite-based lubricant and PFPE oil additive |
VA228 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for extreme temperatures with a coronet cage made of graphite |
VA237 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Graphite-based lubricant, PFPE oil additive and nano particles |
VA260 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Graphite-based lubricant; rings, rolling elements and cage(s) phosphated |
VA261 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Graphite-based lubricant and PFPE oil additive; rings, rolling elements and cage(s) phosphated |
VA267 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Graphite-based lubricant, PFPE oil additive and nano particles; rings, rolling elements and cage(s) phosphated |
VA301 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for railway vehicle traction motors |
VA305 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for railway vehicle traction motors + special inspection routines |
VA3091 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for railway vehicle traction motors + external surfaces of the outer ring are coated with aluminium oxide |
VA320 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for railway axleboxes according to EN 12080:1998 铁路轴箱轴承 根据 EN 12080:1998 |
VA321 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Optimized internal design |
VA350 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for railway axleboxes |
VA380 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for railway axleboxes according to EN 12080:1998 |
VA405 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for vibratory applications, surface-hardened stamped steel cages |
VA406 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for vibratory applications, surface-hardened stamped steel cages, but PTFE coated cylindrical inner ring bore |
VA606 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Crowned raceway on the outer ring, logarithmic profile on the inner ring and special heat treatment |
VA607 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Same as VA606, but other outside diameter tolerance |
VA701 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for paper machines 造纸机械轴承 |
VA820 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing for railway axleboxes according to EN 12080:1998 铁路轴箱轴承 根据 EN 12080:1998 |
VA970 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Special design for wind turbine generators |
VB022 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Chamfer dimension of large outer ring side face 0,3 mm |
VB026 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Chamfer dimension of large inner ring side face 3 mm |
VB061 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Chamfer dimension of large inner ring side face 8 mm |
VB134 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Chamfer dimension of large inner ring side face 1 mm |
VB406 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Chamfer dimension of large inner ring side face 3 mm and of large outer ring side face 2 mm |
VB481 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Chamfer dimension of large inner ring side face 8,5 mm |
VC025 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing with special wear-resistant raceways for applications in heavily contaminated environments |
VC027 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Modified internal geometry for increased permissible misalignment |
VC068 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Tighter geometrical tolerances and special heat treatment |
VE141 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | One locating slot (notch) in the outer ring |
VE174 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | One locating slot (notch) in the large side face of the outer ring, tighter geometrical tolerances |
VE240 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing modified for greater axial displacement |
VE447(E) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Shaft washer with three equally-spaced threaded holes in one side face to accommodate hoisting tackle. The E indicates that appropriate eye bolts are supplied with the bearing. |
VE552(E) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Outer ring with three equally-spaced threaded holes in one side face to accommodate lifting tackle. The E indicates that appropriate eye bolts are supplied with the bearing. |
VE553(E) | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Outer ring with three equally-spaced threaded holes in both side faces to accommodate lifting tackle. The E indicates that appropriate eye bolts are supplied with the bearing. |
VE632 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Housing washer with three equally-spaced threaded holes in one side face to accommodate hoisting tackle |
VG052 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Single split PES (polyethersulfone) cage |
VG114 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Surface-hardened stamped steel cage |
VG1561 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Glass fibre reinforced PA46 cage, rolling element centred |
VGS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring raceway of cylindrical and needle roller bearings pre-ground only, for cylindrical roller bearings replaced by /VU001 圆柱和滚针轴承内圈滚道只预磨,圆柱滚子轴承被 /VU001 取代 |
VGS | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring with a pre-ground raceway and a machining allowance |
VH | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Full complement of rollers (no cage), self-retaining |
VL0241 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Aluminium oxide coated external surfaces of outer ring |
VL0271 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Aluminium oxide coated external surfaces of inner ring |
VL065 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Zinc-coated inner ring bore and side faces |
VP076 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Shield on both sides |
VP274 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Contact seal made of NBR, on both sides (bearing with a standard inner ring) |
VQ015 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Inner ring with crowned raceway for increased permissible misalignment |
VQ051 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Modified internal geometry for increased permissible misalignment |
VQ117 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Special radial and axial run-out |
VQ267 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Tighter inner ring width tolerance to ?0,025 mm |
VQ424 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Geometrical tolerances lower than C08 |
VQ492 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Special inner ring width tolerance |
VQ494 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Reduced radial run-out |
VQ495 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | CL7C with tighter or shifted tolerance range for the outside diameter |
VQ506 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Tighter inner ring width tolerance |
VQ507 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | CL7C with tighter or shifted tolerance range for the outside diameter |
VQ523 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | CL7C with tighter inner ring width tolerance and tighter or shifted tolerance range for the outside diameter |
VQ601 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Accuracy to ABMA tolerance class 0 (inch bearing) |
VR521 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing supplied with measuring report |
VT113 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Grease with a lithium thickener of consistency 3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –20 to +140 °C |
VT143 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Extreme pressure grease with a lithium thickener of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –20 to +110 °C (filled to 25 – 45%) VT143 followed by B (filled to 45 – 60%) VT143 followed by C (filled to 70 – 100%) |
VU001 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Food grade grease with an aluminium thickener of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –25 to +120 °C (normal fill grade) |
W | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Stainless steel, metric dimensions |
W | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1,Without annular groove and lubrication hole(s) in outer ring 2,Modified ring width tolerance to +0,05/0 mm 3,Polymer ball bearing with components made of titanium |
W20 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Three lubrication holes in the outer ring |
W26 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Six lubrication holes in the inner ring |
W33 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Annular groove and three lubrication holes in the outer ring |
W33X | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Annular groove and six lubrication holes in the outer ring |
W513 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Six lubrication holes in the inner ring and annular groove and three lubrication holes in the outer ring |
W518 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Six lubrication holes in inner ring and three lubrication holes in outer ring |
W64 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Solid Oil filling |
W64F | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Solid Oil filling, Synthetic base oil type, NSF H1 approved for food applications |
W77 | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Plugged W33 lubrication holes |
WF | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Deep groove ball bearing of stainless steel with external flange on outer ring |
WS | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Shaft washer |
X | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Boundary dimensions not in accordance with ISO dimension series 2, Boundary dimensions changed to conform to ISO 3, Cylindrical (flat) profile of the outer ring running surface 4, Polymer ball bearing with components made of ceramic Si3N4 |
XA | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Cylindrical (flat) profile of the outer ring running surface (NUKR .. A or NUKRE .. A design cam follower) |
Y | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Stamped brass cage, rolling element centred |
Z | 后缀 | 其他特性 | 1, Combined needle roller bearing, factory greased thrust bearing with a cover without lubrication holes over the outside diameter 2, Shield on one side of the bearing 3, Polymer ball bearing with components made of ceramic Al2O3 |
ZE | 前缀 | 其他特性 | 用于电控安装法的轴承 |
ZE | 前缀 | 其他特性 | Bearing with SensorMount?feature |
ZNR | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Shield on one side, snap ring groove in the outer ring, snap ring on the opposite side of the shield |
ZW | 后缀 | 其他特性 | Double row needle roller and cage assembly |
AS | 后缀 | 润滑特征 | Needle roller bearing with lubrication hole(s) in the outer ring, the number following indicates the number of holes |
SM | 后缀 | 润滑特征 | 带油脂的滚针轴承。 随后的两位数表示实际油脂 |
W518 | 后缀 | 润滑特征 | Six lubrication holes in inner ring and three lubrication holes in outer ring 内圈六个润滑孔和外圈三个润滑孔 |
G.. | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | 用来说明轴承中使用的润滑脂,第二个字母表示润滑脂的工作温度范围,第三个字母表示某种实际的润滑脂。第二个字母的意义如下: E 极压润滑脂 F 食品相容润滑脂 H,J 高温润滑脂,-20至+130 ℃ L 低温润滑脂,-50至+80 ℃ M 中温润滑脂,-30至+110 ℃ W,X 低/高温润滑脂,-40至+140 ℃ 在三个字母的润滑脂代号后面的数字表示与标准不同的润滑脂填充量: 1、2和3表示填充量少于标准, 4至9表示填充量多于标准。例如: GEA:极压润滑脂,标准填充量 |
GJN | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Grease with a polyurea thickener of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –30 to +150 °C (normal fill grade) |
HT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | 用来说明轴承中使用的高温润滑脂(工作温度范围-20至+130 ℃)。HT或HT后面加上一个两位数来表示实际润滑脂。与标准不同的填充量,是以HTxx后面的一个字母或字母与数字的组合来表示: A 小于标准填充量 B 大于标准填充量 C 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 F1 小于标准填充量 F7 大于标准填充量 F9 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 例如:HTB, HT22或HT24B |
HT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Grease with a polyurea thickener of consistency 2 to 3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –40 to +150 °C (normal fill grade) |
LHT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | 用来说明轴承中使用的高低温(宽温)润滑脂(如工作温度范围-40至+140 ℃)。在LHT后面的一个两位数表示某种实际的润滑脂。与标准不同的填充量,是以LT后面的一个字母或字母与数字的组合来表示。所用的代号与HT的相同。例如:LHT23, LHT23C或LHT23F7 A 小于标准填充量 B 大于标准填充量 C 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 F1 小于标准填充量 F7 大于标准填充量 F9 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 |
LT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | 用来说明轴承中使用的低温润滑脂(如工作温度范围-50至+80 ℃)。与指定的标准润滑脂不同但在此温度范围的其它润滑脂,在LT后面加上一个两位数来表示。与标准不同的填充量,是以LT后面的一个字母或字母与数字的组合来表示,所用的代号与HT的相同。例如:LT, LT10或LTF1 A 小于标准填充量 B 大于标准填充量 C 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 F1 小于标准填充量 F7 大于标准填充量 F9 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 |
LT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Grease with a lithium thickener of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –50 to +110 °C (normal fill grade) |
LT10 | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Grease with a lithium thickener of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –50 to +90 °C |
MT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | 用来说明轴承中使用的中温润滑脂(工作温度范围-30至+110 ℃)。与指定的标准润滑脂不同但在此温度范围的其它润滑脂,在MT后面加上一个两位数来表示。与标准不同的填充量,是以MT后面的一个字母或字母与数字的组合来表示,所用的代号与HT相同。例如:MT33, MT37F9或MT47 A 小于标准填充量 B 大于标准填充量 C 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 F1 小于标准填充量 F7 大于标准填充量 F9 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 |
MT33 | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Grease with a lithium thickener of consistency 3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –30 to +120 °C |
MT47 | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Grease with a lithium thickener of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –30 to +110 °C |
VT378 | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Food grade grease with an aluminium thickener of consistency 2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –25 to +120 °C (normal fill grade) |
WT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | 用来说明轴承中使用的宽温润滑脂(工作温度范围-40至+160 ℃ )。与指定的标准润滑脂不同但在此温度范围的其它润滑脂,在WT后面加上一个两位数来表示。与标准不同的填充量,是以WT后面的一个字母或字母与数字的组合来表示,所用的代号与HT的相同。例如:WT或WTF1 A 小于标准填充量 B 大于标准填充量 C 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 F1 小于标准填充量 F7 大于标准填充量 F9 填充量大于70%轴承内的自由空间 |
WT | 后缀 | 润滑脂代码 | Grease with a polyurea thickener of consistency 2 to 3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperature range –40 to +160 °C |
C1 | 后缀 | 游隙(内部间隙) | 径向游隙小于C2 |
C10 | 后缀 | 游隙(内部间隙) | 缩窄的内径和外径公差 |
C2 | 后缀 | 游隙(内部间隙) | 径向游隙小于普通组(CN) |
CB | 后缀 | 游隙(内部间隙) | 1.任意配对单列角接触球轴承。 安装前,两个背对背或面对面配置的轴承,具有普通级轴向内部游隙 2.双列角接触球轴承的可控轴向游隙 |
CG | 后缀 | 游隙(内部间隙) | “零”游隙(圆锥滚子轴承)。 |
CN | 后缀 | 游隙(内部间隙) | 普通组径向游隙;通常仅用于与以下字母组合来表示较窄或偏移的游隙范围 CNH 缩窄的游隙范围,相当于普通组游隙范围的上半部分 CNL 缩窄的游隙范围,相当于普通组游隙范围的下半部分 CNM 缩窄的游隙范围,相当于普通组游隙范围的一半 CNP 偏移的游隙范围,相当于普通组游隙范围的上半部分和C3游隙范围的下半部分的组成 以上的字母H、L、M和P,同时适用于与以下的游隙组别组合成对应的意义:C2、C3和C4、C5 |
DB | 后缀 | 轴承组的配置及预压 | 两个以背对背配对的(1)单列深沟球轴承、(2)单列角接触球轴承或(3)单列圆锥滚子轴承。DB随后的字母表示该配对轴承在安装前的轴向游隙或轴向预紧的大小。 A 轻预紧(2) B 中预紧(2) C 重预紧(2) CA 轴向游隙小于普通游隙(1、2) CB 普通轴向游隙(1、2) CC 轴向游隙大于普通游隙(1、2) C 特殊轴向游隙,加上以mm为单位数字来表示(3) GA 轻预紧(1) GB 中预紧(1) G 特殊预紧负荷,加上以daN为单位的数字来表示(3) 对于配对圆锥滚子轴承,在DB与C或G之间可能有一 |
DF | 后缀 | 轴承组的配置及预压 | 两个以面对面配对的单列深沟球轴承、单列角接触球轴承或单列圆锥滚子轴承。DF随后字母表示的意义与DB的相同 A 轻预紧(2) B 中预紧(2) C 重预紧(2) CA 轴向游隙小于普通游隙(1、2) CB 普通轴向游隙(1、2) CC 轴向游隙大于普通游隙(1、2) C 特殊轴向游隙,加上以mm为单位数字来表示(3) GA 轻预紧(1) GB 中预紧(1) G 特殊预紧负荷,加上以daN为单位的数字来表示(3) 对于配对圆锥滚子轴承,在DB与C或G之间可能有一个两位数用来表示隔圈的设计和配置 |
DR | 后缀 | 轴承组的配置及预压 | Two single row deep groove ball bearings or cylindrical roller bearings paired to achieve even radial load distribution 两个单列深沟球轴承或圆柱滚子轴承配对,以实现更大径向载荷分布 |
DT | 后缀 | 轴承组的配置及预压 | 两个以串联配对的单列深沟球轴承、单列角接触球轴承或单列圆锥滚子轴承。串联匹配安装;对于成对的圆锥滚子轴承,在DT之后可能有一个两位数用来表示隔圈的设计和配置 |
DT | 后缀 | 轴承组的配置及预压 | 两个以串联配对的单列深沟球轴承、单列角接触球轴承或单列圆锥滚子轴承。串联匹配安装;对于成对的圆锥滚子轴承,在D下之后可能有一个两位数用来表示隔圈的设计和配置 |
QR | 后缀 | 轴承组的配置及预压 | 一组四个单列深沟球轴承或圆柱滚子轴承配对,径向载荷均匀分布 |